Hello All!!
Well, this week has been a bit crazy! I got a new companion! Sister Sorensen! She might look familiar. She was my companion for two weeks a long time ago when I was still serving in Shaker Heights with Sister Call. Now we get to be companions for longer!
Things here are going well. We're doing this Veterans Day concert this coming Saturday. It should be good! Sister Sorensen, Call and I are singing this amazing song. It's called "Inscription of Hope". The words come from the wall of a cellar in Germany and were written by a little girl who was in hiding during World War II.
It has made me realize how truly blessed I am. God loves us so much. He is always there during the hard times and will strengthen us even when the odds are against us. Heavenly Father loves each one of us. I am so grateful to know that.
Alma 7: 11-12. One of my favorites.
It was Halloween this week.....we forgot until that night. Oops. I guess that goes to show what's really important on the mission. But, I am happy to say that candy is now on sale and it's Preparation Day! Wahoo!
Oh! I have a HUGE favor to ask anyone and everyone. We are teaching a few kids and we are running out of creativity. Is there anything in your head, Pinterest or anything like that that can help struggling, old, missionaries? Haha. We have the classic Restoration Cups and things like that, but we'd love more ideas. We did a "magic trick" with one girl and now she wants them every time we go over. So we need help. Anything is appreciated! Games, visuals, activities, more magic tricks. Haha. Anyway. Thanks!
Alright, I have to end on a Spiritual note.
So my Ponderize scripture last week was 3 Nephi: 21:10
"But behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil."
I loved this scripture so much especially since I am currently serving. But really, if you think about it, we are all serving the Lord. Heavenly Father cares about us all so much and His wisdom is greater than anything we are going through. Sure, there are going to be hard times -- we are going to "be marred" through things -- but He will help us. He will heal us. This is such an amazing promise. It has brought so much comfort as I was studying and ponderizing it. There are so many blessing from the scriptures. So, what's your verse?
I love you all! And happy November!
Sister Burns
Ohio is pretty....and I really like the leaves here...if you can't tell. |