General Conference!!
I have never loved it as much as I did while being a missionary. It applies so differently when you're out here serving and when you're prayed for! (Yeah, coolest thing ever!) I love the power of faith and what God can do if you give it to Him.
Favorite talk:
President Monson's talk from the Sunday morning session. This talk hit me differently than I think most people took it. He discussed the difference between walking where Christ walked and walking as Christ walked. There are so many wonderful things that Christ did, and He wants us to learn from His example and follow Him. That's the gospel -- follow Christ's example and be happy. How simple is that? Are we serving enough? Loving enough? Praying enough? Are we going through our trials and always looking toward our Heavenly Father enough? We can ALL be better at these things.
The point that came across my mind was what am I doing? I am in Kirtland. Christ was here, Joseph Smith walked here, Parley P. Pratt walked here, Joel Hills Johnson walked here (had to throw that one in!), so many saints lived the gospel here and I talk about that everyday on tour. What am I doing with this knowledge? Am I more excited to walk where they walked or walk as they walked? I am amazed at the stories of the saints and what they gave up for the gospel. My mind focused on what I'm giving or should be giving to the gospel. God knows all of His children and He notices when we reach out to help another person, obey the prophets, or say no to a temptation and He blesses us for that. Just a little something that came across my mind. It makes me view Kirtland differently and how I can learn from the past to be better now.
Sunday morning session we watched at Patar and Uma's home. I loved it! Patar loves the gospel! He is still learning, but he wouldn't take his eyes off the TV. He had so many questions for us afterwards and He even started to sing with us doing the congregation hymn. (He's from Indonesia and hardly knows the hymns or English for that matter. Favorite moment of the day!) They were talking about going to visit Palmyra next summer and how exciting it will be to go to the temple there. We didn't even bring it up. I love seeing the desire to progress in the gospel and further their covenants with the Lord. You can see how the Spirit flows through them and fills their home. Uma always cooks for us, too! She's from Thailand and makes yummy Thai food. Thank heavens she holds off on all of the hot spices! I'd die. Haha. But I love Thai food. Yumm.
Story time! Uma made divine dark hot chocolate (if anyone knows me, I'm slightly obsessed...) and she sent us with to-go cups full after Conference. I walked out and had no free hands so I placed the cup between my teeth thinking it would stay there long enough to dig through my purse and find the keys... fail. The cup dropped and splattered everywhere! Thank goodness we were already outside. I now have one stained cardigan and no hot chocolate. Yes, laugh and call me blonde. You're doing that anyway, I just know it! I'm now accepting replacement cardigans of any color and/or money donations to fill the WICINC fund. (Winter is coming and I need cardigans)
We had so many member meals this week...and there were no worms! Whew! I love the members! We watched the last session with the Christensen's. They have a little girl who is four and reminds me so much of Bailey. It made watching conference feel more at home. And I had her tell me every time they said Jesus Christ....which was all the time! Overall, conference reminded me of the blessing of the Savior. He is our Lord and loves each and every one of us no matter what. He is there for us always and we just need to turn to Him. The gospel is so simple and easy if we just ignore the doubts in our heads and study His words. We will be able to see that and as we do, pure happiness comes. Missions are so hard, but I see that every day as I strive to study and learn more. Yep, the gospel is wonderful, Christ is wonderful, and Heavenly Father is, too.

Oh! Sis. Harrison fractured (maybe) her ankle and shin! We're waiting for another doctor to look at her x-rays. Hopefully it's nothing too bad. =/
Have a great week! I love you all.
Sister Burns
88,000 strong!
P.S. President changed our music, so we can only listen to Sacrament Meeting appropriate music (hymns and MoTab) and nothing from the Youth LDS page or EFY music. Help would be appreciated in this area since we have around two CDs we can listen to now. Haha
After a LONG day of exchanges. Sis. Mertlich. LOVE HER!!! She heads home in two weeks. =(
Wrapping trees with lights! Christmas is coming soon!!!!
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