Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Lessons Being Learned and Miracles Being Seen

This week has been a complete whirlwind. I'm training. If anything changes your routine, being a trainer does. I'm not only trying to be a good missionary myself, but now I'm responsible to help another missionary be the best she can be. Whew. If being a real mother is anything close to this, bless all of you mothers out there. It is such a large responsibility, but I've come to realize I cannot do this if I am not focusing on my Savior and what He wants me to be doing. If I am not being 100%, how am I supposed to expect anyone around me to be their best. Our Savior was the perfect example and as I strive to follow Him, everything else will work out. I'm not perfect by any means, by it has been a great learning experience for the both of us. The great thing about it all, is learning to more fully rely on Christ and I've come to realize I know what I am doing and I shouldn't be scared of anything. With God, anything is possible. 
But, I'm sure you want to know who my new companion is! Introducing... Sister Call! She is from Austin, Texas, 19 years old, went to BYU for a year before her mission, loves jazz music and is such a joy to be around. She's adorable beyond belief and has such a strong testimony. We are going to see miracles this transfer. =)

As for the work here, Dave is still great! I get to talk to him tomorrow, but I love seeing his progression and how ready he is for the gospel. God is preparing people everyday. We just need to go out and find them. 
Miracle of the week. We were able to meet with Demetrius' mother and it was wonderful! Before, she wouldn't even respond to our phone calls. but during this visit she opened up to us and expressed her desire to go to church. She took the lessons from the missionaries a couple years ago, but never joined the church. She is looking for a new job where she doesn't work on Sunday's. When that happens, I have a feeling we'll see even more miracles in their family. In the meantime, we get to teach Demetrius again! That kid is so ready to learn more and he really can't wait for us to come back. Truly, there is something wonderful that comes from a prayer or scripture. When we did that in their home, the complete feeling changed. The Spirit is real. He comes and brings joy, peace and understanding. He softens hearts and testifies of Christ. It's such a wonderful blessing we all can freely enjoy.  
Happy moment. We have been working with a less-active member since I've been here and she happily accepted a calling last Sunday! I am so excited for her and I cannot wait to see what happens. She is a wonderful lady. 

Okay, I've gotta run. Time always goes by too fast on Preparation Day. Know that I'm loving it here. Not because the snow all melted and it hit 60 degrees here the other day (Loving it while it lasts), but I get to see the Lord work miracles every day. That is what He does. He loves every single person in this world. There are hard times, glorious times, and all times in between, but He is always there for us. He wants us to learn and grow. I am so grateful for my Savior and everything he has and is doing for me.   

Thank you all for your love and support. Happy Thanksgiving!

I love you!!!
Sister Burns

P.S. next weeks Preparation Day in on the 3rd because we're having Mission Conference in the Kirtland Temple next Tuesday! Yeah, that is going to be one amazing day!

1700s Bible someone found in a garage sale 35 years ago and recently gave to the Visitors Center. Pretty amazing. Perks to being a sister missionary!

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