Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Is It Springtime Yet? -- Weekly Letter 3.10.15


Exciting things this week... 

We went to the Christmas Story house last week!! I'm thinking my parents posted the pictures, but it was so much fun! Who would have thought there were things like that in Cleveland. I'm really loving this place. 

It's WARM and the snow is melting!!! It hit 40 degrees! Above freezing. Yes! Miracles! 

Random. A member's bird hated my guts and wouldn't ever come near me. Then I turned around to leave and he flew fast out of the member's hand and landed on my head! I have never jumped so much in my life! The revenge of the bird was the only thing that was running through my mind. But, all was well. No bird poop was found. =) Everyone in Ohio is obsessed with their animals. If you want to get in with people, you have to get in with their animals first. 

Last night there was a group of Laurels from Hurricane, Utah who came to Kirtland. A few of us missionaries were able to talk with them, sing, and then we had a Q&A. Having that time to really reflect on my mission and what it means to me was a special time. They asked us for mission advice as many of them are preparing for their missions. They also asked why we decided to serve and what we have learned. Looking back over the last seven months I have seen that I am a completely different person. Yes, I'm still me, but I'm a better version. I'm more patient, I adjust to change better, I get along with others better, I'm better at planning and being organized, I love and have desires to help complete strangers, I'm more humble, service is my favorite thing. I love studying the scriptures! I wish I could study for hours. I love my Heavenly Father more than ever before and I know He's always there with me and He loves me more than I can comprehend. Nothing is better than knowing that. I know I have a Savior who is my ultimate best friend. I can turn to Him always and with His help I can do things I never thought I could. Missionary work is hard -- it's the hardest thing I have ever done -- but it's the most rewarding thing I have ever done. It's better than graduating from college or any other big event that has happened in my life. Having the Lord by your side always and helping others is the best thing anyone could do. Knowing the Savior is right by your side and He is leading you through all of life's ups and downs is worth every sacrifice. Anyway, I was able to speak with these girls, tell them of this amazing work, and feel the Spirit so strong as I did so. Truly, this is the Lords work!  

Well, time is over, but know how grateful I am for all of you! God loves you!

I love you all!
Sister Burns 

Christmas Story House!

"You'll shoot your eye out!"

Sister Sposito!


Just for Daddy!

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