Thursday, September 25, 2014

Amen! Amen!

Whew, this week was a crazy one! Gladys Knight was here and because of all of that our Preparation Day was moved to Wednesday...and then Thursday. I have never been more grateful for a P-Day. =) 

So much has happened and I don't know where to start. Gladys Knight was the biggest thing. She has a choir, the Saints Unified Voices, and they are invited all over the world to do firesides. They were here Friday and Saturday and were able to do four firesides during that time. Each time, the Stake Center was PACKED! Chapel, overflow, cultural hall, and the stage was filled to overflowing. We were able to go on Saturday night with two ladies from our ward. I could try to explain them, but my words wouldn't do them justice. Just picture two ladies that never stop talking and there are moments I would cry from laughing so hard. One of them, Sis. Evans, is in her 80's and is more spunky than anyone I know. Another one of those black spunky grandmothers that everyone needs! The car ride was not lacking in entertainment. 

Most of those in attendance were either investigating the church or were members of other faiths who were invited by members. There were some members and missionaries galore. It was amazing! There were people off all colors and faiths there and I have never seen a people more unified even though there were so many differences. Get it, Saints Unified Voices - well named. 

The moment the choir walked in the door I felt like I had left the Stake Center and was somewhere down South! Everyone was on their feet, clapping, and shouting gospel praises. Not going to lie, I LOVED it! This entire experience was such a wonderful missionary tool! The choir sang gospel songs and it was exactly what the audience needed and what they were familiar with. A member of the choir spoke and he explained how we are all related to Gladys -- how we are all children of Heavenly Father. He talked of Jesus Christ and what He means to us. I have never heard "amen" said so many times in my life. It was constantly coming from the audience. And then he talked of the restoration...I wasn't sure how they would take it. At first, the "amen"s weren't as loud, but never fear, the night ended great! Understanding has to happen first before testimony. 

Then Gladys' husband spoke next and the Spirit FLOODED the room. He talked about his background -- Southern Baptist from South Carolina. Everyone understood where he came from. He talked about how he was friends with Gladys and how everyone in the African American community knew she went crazy because she became a Mormon. (Laughs were constant during his talk!) But, he married her anyway. He knew she believed in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost and that was good enough for him. Eventually he studied the gospel out for himself. (How could he not when his wife had so many young men friends on bikes who would come over all the time!) He knew the Bible inside and out. As he read it he knew there was a need for the Book of Mormon, he knew the only church that could be Christ's church would be named after Him and would be organized how He would have organized it. He found his own testimony when He compared it to the Bible and found it to support the words of God and not try to be its own religion. He knew The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was Christ's true church restored (not new) on the earth. As he spoke you could feel the understanding coming to the audience. You could see how they were changing their views of the LDS church. Honestly, I feel like that entire night was a miracle.

After he finished, Gladys spoke. Oh wow. She talked about joining the church and about how she had to study it out on her own before she could know if it was true or not. She had heard so many negative things about the church, but as she studied, she came to realize those negative things were coming from people who didn't know a thing about the LDS church and most of the negative concepts came from people who had never even met a Mormon before. She talked about culture and differences and how that's okay and how we can all learn and grow from each other. If we come together, follow Jesus Christ and help each other grow towards Him, we will be amazed at the blessings the Lord has in store to give us. He loves all of us and wants us to follow Him. Through following the prophet and reading His holy scriptures -- the Bible and the Book of Mormon -- we can know this is His true church and it is the only church that is organized by Christ and ran by Him. As she ended, she stated how she knew that Heavenly Father had given her music and her talents to do these firesides. Everything leading her to that point -- touring around the world, fame, fortune -- it all prepared a way to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Gladys Knight and the Pips don't matter -- the gospel does.

She closed by singing "I Stand All Amazed". Ahh, we need more soul in our hymns. Haha. In the program there was a guest card and if the audience filled it out, the missionaries would bring them a CD with a couple songs from the night, a Book of Mormon, and the Restoration DVD. Over the four sessions we received over 500 (guessing, maybe more) request cards for our mission. Hasten the work!!!! We're still connecting with people, but I can already see how great this will be for Ohio.

As for the rest of the week....

The Visitors Center missionaries were invited to a steak fry for helping with a strawberry festival before I got here. Steak Fry = grab a MASSIVE and thick steak larger than my head, cook it yourself on the MASSIVE grill, eat MASSIVE amounts of food with said steak, and go home with MASSIVE amounts of leftovers to feed your for two more days. Ahh, yumm!!!

It's actually warm this week! Thanking Heavenly Father everyday. 

We met with a referral and she really wants to talk about the gospel and build her faith in Jesus Christ. I'm so excited to see where things go with her. She is beyond adorable! 

And to top off my week.... We went to dinner at a members house. We had brownies for dessert and they gave us the extra brownies to take home. As I was eating my brownies, something was sticking out of the piece I was about to put in my mouth. As I pulled it out I realized it was a WORM!!!! Yuck! There was a worm in my brownie. (See attached video) Who would have thought I'd be eating bugs on my mission in Ohio. Haha

This isn't everything that happened this week, but it gives you something. =)

By the way, I love Kirtland! I get to feel the Spirit every single day! I get to see why the Saints did what they did in the 1800s and see how it has changed so many lives -- how it has changed my life. I am so grateful for their faith in our Savior and in His church. I am grateful for the temple and the opportunities we are blessed with that we can do work for our ancestors. It's a cycle -- we're all helping each other get to the Celestial Kingdom. =) So, umm, I can't go to the Temple while I'm here. I'm thinking you should all go and tell me about it! Invitation given...ready. set. go! 

Love you all!

Your worm eating, hallelujah shouting missionary, 
Sister Burns
Padded elevator at a retirement apartment complex.

SUV and Gladys Knight!

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