I'm going to try to keep this one short and with lots of pictures so you will actually want to read this. Ha.
Miracle for the week!!!
Okay, we have been working with M, a member my age for a month or so. She met this guy, T, who was not religious at all. They started talking about hockey and the conversation switched to religion. He was so interested in what she had to say, so they started spending more time together and they would always talk about the gospel. As time went on, he became more and more interested in her beliefs. Meanwhile, she was texting us for support, encouragement, and guidance. The week before conference she invited him to church and HE CAME! It was his first time ever coming to church or any religion. He loved it and stayed all three hours.
He wasn't sure about meeting with missionaries, but M was the perfect support for him. During the week leading up to conference, she invited him to pray to know if God was there. He had been looking for a job for months and the day after he prayed, he got a perfect job offer out of the blue. Miracles! That was his answer! For the first time in his life, he felt like there was a Father in Heaven who cared about him individually. From that moment, he has been on fire! He even told his friends he would be their designated driver because he felt so good and didn't want anything to get in the way of what he was feeling. He hadn't even learned about the Word of Wisdom yet!
T watched General Conference and loved it. He is soaking in everything. Last Saturday, we had Stake Conference and we were finally able to meet him and sit with them! Every single talk in that meeting was exactly for him. That night he told M that he was ready to meet with the missionaries. The next morning he went to the special "New and Returning Member" meeting and almost introduced himself as a new member, but had to stop himself before and change it to investigating. He wants this for himself so bad!
Well, we get to start teaching him tonight and we are so excited!! He is, too! He has told M 6 or so times today how excited he is for tonight. I love seeing the gospel bless others lives! Also, member missionaries are a must! We would have never met T if it wasn't for M being such a great example. She was there for T and shared her testimony in a way she could and relying on the Savior through it all. Goodness, if every member cared about other how M cares about them, there would be so many more happier people in the world.
Ahh, so much for keeping this short! I'm just so excited!
To sum up my week, the Lord is CONSTANTLY aware of you. He loves and will never give up on you! He knows what you are going through and is right there helping you conquer it all. We can see Him if we look for Him. His hand is all around. There is nothing better than knowing there is someone who is always forgiving and is there when no one else is. Such blessings!
I love you all!!
Sister Burns
Remember that one time we went to Target to get a few needed items and thought, "We should just do all of our shopping here, it won't cost that much". #fail
At least we still had fun being broke. =) #princesdiaries
Our area goals we wrote up last week after an amazing ZTM (Zone Training Meeting). We're revamping the area.
Marge and Hilda = silly hoots!
So much fun!
Just taking some pictures outside the Whitney Store.

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