I have very little time today, so I'll keep it short...for reals this time.
Our investigator, T, is getting baptized on May 9th!!!
Miracles happen every day!
He is beyond prepared and he was prepared far before we began teaching him. Nothing is better than seeing the Lord's hand in someones life and seeing that it has been there all along even if they didn't realize it until later.
We were able to teach him the Plan of Salvation this past week. He normally is full of questions and pretty deep ones at that. During the lesson, he didn't have any. As we were talking, he kept saying he felt like he already knew these things and it all made sense to him. He would make comments and the things he was saying, to make sure he was understanding, were truths that we never taught him nor did M. I've come to see that the Spirit truly testifies of truth when we invite him to do so. T studies so much on his own and is seeking for that truth. Well, last Thursday he sent us a text saying that he has been praying and that he knows he needs to get baptized. We went over the night after to plan everything and he already had his baptism planned out. Ahh, he is the best!!! And he has changed so much in just the few short weeks that we have known him. The gospel really is amazing and brings such a strong feeling of happiness and security.
The Lord is amazing and the gospel helps in every aspect of our lives if we just let the Savior in. Also, T would not be where he is today if it weren't for M and her being willing to listen to the Spirit and share her beliefs with a pretty much stranger. Member missionaries are the best!
Also, I have a new motto: I'd rather be wearing this tag.
Nothing is better than wearing the Savior's name every day and being a literal representative for Him. If I ever have a negative/sad/upsetting/etc thought or if an ounce of homesickness sweeps in, I think of that and nothing else matters. The time I have to wear this tag is so short. I love it and I'm going to use every second to the fullest. Nothing is better!!!
Okay, I love you all!!
Sister Burns
Sister Myers and I. Sweet member!
T, M, Sister Heckert and I!
Ohio State national championship shirts!
Member feud. Brother Sposito wasn't home, so we got to sneak into his Steelers shrine (you're only seeing a fraction of it) and take pictures to send him with our new Ohio State shirts given to us from his wife. Priceless.
After we painted at the Spositos.
Sister Heckert at the Melt...she was told she couldn't eat the entire thing...she did to prove them wrong....she was sick all day.
It's sitting on a massive dinner plate. I wish you could tell how large this grilled cheese sandwich really is. I barely finished half.

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