Hello All!!
Sorry that I didn't get a weekly letter out last week. We went to the temple and it was so amazing!!
We got up at 5 am and left Kirtland at 6 in the morning. Shockingly, I wasn't that tired. I was so excited! We made it down to Columbus with time to spare. (I guess that's what happens when the seniors don't have Tiwi in their car...luckies.)
We were able to attend the morning session of the temple and then Ron met us there for baptisms. It was so wonderful! The neat part about it was that we were there for the recent convert/returning member session for baptisms. There were so many people there for the first time and so many missionaries! The Columbus temple is tiny, so it became a bit chaotic with so many people. But through it all, there was such a special feeling with so many amazing people all doing family file names.
Ron was one of the last to go, which was nice because the baptistry had almost cleared out by then. Sister Gough, the ward mission leader's wife, was able to be baptized for Ron's wife. It was the sweetest thing. Ron was so happy even through the earlier chaos.
Miracles happened so much this week!!
So there is a family in our ward and I don't know if I have written home about them or not. Christina and JD recently lost their two year old son in an accident. Christina has been less active for seven years, but because of recent events, she has this great desire to come back to church. So, we have been visiting with her and she came to church for the first time two Sunday's ago. It was such a good thing! She brought her mother, sister, and daughter who all aren't members. Her sister LOVED it and was given a part in the Primary program. She went home and invited everyone! She even invited Christina's fiance who hasn't attended a church service of any religion for over 15 years. The miracle is that they ALL came to church last Sunday. Because of it, we are now teaching Christina's daughter and mom. Soon, I'm sure, we'll be teaching her sister, too.
It's interesting to see how God can take one tragedy and can use those events to bring us closer to Him if we keep our faith and follow Him. We taught them all the Plan of Salvation last week and it was completely wonderful! There is so much comfort and peace that comes from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and knowing God's plan for us.
Alright, I hope this all makes sense. Email me if you have any questions. I might have missed a key piece to the story. I've come to re-realize that I'm the worst at writing stories. Haha.
I love you all!
Sister Burns
Ponderize: 3 Nephi: 21: 10
I don't remember if I have sent this one home or not. Sister Guinn and I at 14 Months! |
Chardon, Ohio in the Fall. |
Just a leaf at the Morley Farm. |
Morley! |
Witness Tree....this tree is over 200 years old...meaning it was here when Joseph Smith was. |
Elder and Sister Ramirez at the Morley Farm! |
Fall! |
District Picture. |
We went to the Zoo today with Sister H and her daughter. |
This giraffe acted completely like Melvin from Madagascar. So funny! |
Baby! |
Ahh, I just love these Sisters!! |
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