Hello World!
Not much time to write today, but this week has been a wonderful one.
Best part.....I HAVE A NEW NEPHEW!!! I'm sure you all know that, but it's still exciting. Hello Thatcher! Your favorite aunt sure loves you. =)
Okay, back to the mission.
Best part of the week here was testimony meeting on Sunday.
Back story time.....
There is a recent convert, Connee, we visit with every week. She is amazing! She knows her Bible inside and out and cross references everything she hears from the Book of Mormon or other scripture and double checks for accuracy. Thus far, she hasn't come across anything that doesn't connect. She really makes me want to read the entire Bible front to back, which will happen before I come home. She is so strong and has such a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Second back story...
Sister Brown. Crazy, love her to death, Sister Brown. She joined the church a number of years ago, but fell away and has been coming back to church for the last year. We visit her often as well. LOVE HER!
Okay, back to today...
Connee's one year mark was the end of October and she planned on attending the temple on November 1st. We were so excited for her, but Satan really does try to drag you down when you step up and follow Christ. There were so many things that were backfiring on her the week before she went through. Clothes not fitting, temple recommend not signed correctly, she didn't have an escort....tons of little things like this.
Saturday came and everyone who was going was backing out and Connee was so stressed. (Massive pre-doing-something-very-good drama) We were afraid that Connee would decide not to go. Sister Brown was going to go with her after eleven years of not being back to the temple, but she forgot to reserve a seat and the session was full. We talked to both of them and it felt like pure chaos trying to help the situation smooth out.
Anyway, Sister Brown felt like she needed to go with or without a reservation. Whew.
Off they went, drama and all.
Fast forward to Sacrament Meeting. (The AC was broken and wouldn't turn off, so it was FREEZING inside!) Connee was the first person on the stand. She bore her testimony of the last month of her life. She talked about the blessings of the gospel. How she received her patriarchal blessing and how she knew without a doubt that God had led her to where she was and even through the times she felt like she was completely alone, God was ALWAYS there by her side. She sees that now. Before Sacrament Meeting Connee didn't really get the temple and wasn't too sure of it, but the Spirit was so strong and she KNEW afterward how it was the Lords house and how much closer she felt to Him after going.

Sister Brown also shared her testimony. She talked about going to the temple and wasn't even sure if she could get in, but she went anyway even if she could only wait for them while they were in the session. She knew she had to go back. When they arrived, there was a spot for her and she ended up being Connee's escort. It was the blind leading the blind, but she was so grateful to be back in that place. She talked about where she was a year ago. She had a broken leg and was stuck on the couch. There were these persistent Sister Missionaries who kept knocking on her door. She couldn't ever answer it, but looking back she was so grateful for the love those sisters showed her. After she could walk again, she stepped foot in a chapel after years of inactivity.
Both of these Sisters testified of how grateful they were for missionary work and how they wouldn't be where they are today without it. I wasn't the sister's that originally taught Connee, nor was I a sister who helped Sister Brown come back to activity, but as they shared their testimonies, I realized how important missionary work is. It is not just about baptisms or numbers. It's about people. It's about people coming to know their Savior and become better people through Him. It's about people knowing who they are, who they want to become, and have the means to change. It's people knowing they are children of God and they are worth something. It's knowing that I can be the hands of the Lord and serve His children and help them endure to the end. This is the best work ever.
I am so grateful for that moment as I sat on the bench in Sacrament Meeting. I am so grateful for this mission, for Ohio. There are so many wonderful people here that I have the chance to get to know and love. I am so grateful for my Savior and that I know that He loves me. I know He is always there for me and that He is always listening when I pray to Him. God wants all of His children to be happy and when we follow Him, that is exactly what happens. I see that every day here. "Men are that they might have joy". Yes, I am grateful for joy and I know that through Jesus Christ we can all find it.
Okay, that was much longer than planned, but know that I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. I am grateful to help bring that joy into the lives of others. Nothing is better.
Don't forget that.
I love you all!
Sister Burns
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The one and only Sister Brown! Ahh, she is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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Uma and her kids. LOVE THEM!! Her husband had to work. =(
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