Hello World!!!
Here are some updates from The Ohio:
The weather is really cold...freezing. Our entire stake canceled church on Sunday because it was supposed to reach -20 to -30 degrees in the morning. Brrrrr. Needless to say, we weren't allowed to leave Kirtland. Before the mission, I would have loved to spend cold days inside, but missionaries hate having nothing to do! There are only so many thing we can do to stay productive and purpose driven while stuck inside. Monday was a bit warmer, -15, so we decided to leave the house and go to the gym. The car started! Miracle. But then we started out the driveway and I felt that the car was going to break from the cold any second...we turned around. But! We were able to go out yesterday! Thank heavens.
Other congregations didn't get to go to church on Sunday, but we did! There ended up being a cadet regiment from West Point in New York that came through Kirtland, so we were able to hold a Sacrament Meeting at the Visitors' Center. Such a blessing! It was a pretty special moment to have a room full of military men and women and missionaries all together. Powerful.
Update #2: I'm getting transferred!!! I knew it was happening, but it's still a crazy thing. This is my first time being transferred on my mission. I've grown to love every single person in the Shaker Heights Ward, so I'm sad to leave, but I'm excited to meet knew people. I'm thinking I'm going to Kirtland North. but transfers aren't till tomorrow and you never know what President will do from now until then. Dun dun dun! That just means I'm moving proselyting areas, but I'll still be serving days at the Visitor's Center, too. And I'll probably be moving to the house next door. (Still the 7800 Kirtland-Chardon Rd. address) Sister Call is training, so I'm going to be a grandma! Who would have guessed. 6 months and I'm already a grandma.
We visited 8 families yesterday! It was my last full day in the area, so we took full advantage of that and saw all of my favorites. I literally feel like I'm leaving my home and family. The only way I got to this point was through service! Truly, service is the key to everything. If anything, I'm glad for my time in this area because I've learned that one lesson. And guess what we have planned for tonight...service!! Nothing is better. "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God" (Mosiah 2:17). That's truth right there. It's amazing the blessings and complete happiness that comes from serving God. There is truly nothing better. Go out and serve if you're feeling stuck, down, happy, any time... and life goes up from there. After all, Christ was perfect and that's what He spent His life doing. What's a better example to follow?
Well, I've got to run pack. Moving time! I'll let you all know next week where I got transferred.
I love you all!
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Sister G and I on our six month mark! |
Sister Burns
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