Happy St. Patrick's Day!
The sun is shining and it's a miracle! The snow is almost all melted and I only need a jacket. I didn't realize how much I missed the sun until it showed its face again.
Well, because of the sun, I couldn't be happier!! Everything this week just seemed to be better. Heavenly Father sure does love His children. I'm reminded how much when His creations give me so much joy. "Men are that they might have joy". Goodness, Ohio is beautiful! And Spring hasn't even started yet. I'm just waiting for that to hit. Countdown.
Speaking of countdown....
18 days until General Conference! I'm so excited!!! I can't believe it's here again, but it can't come fast enough. The Lord truly has a prophet today who lead and guides us. Jesus Christ loves all of us and blesses us more than we can see. So....watch General Conference of the 4th and 5th. Ask Heavenly Father questions and I know you will find your answers. When you find them, act on them. You'll be able to see His hand in your life when you do.
Spring in Kirtland is amazing, too. The Stony Brook that runs through the sites is thawed and thundering down the banks. I've never seen it so full or fast. And the grass is GREEN! I'm so use to brown grass in Utah, but the moment the snow was gone, the grass was the same color it was when the snow fell. So pretty!
We were able to take a pretty great tour yesterday. It was with a man from Logan/Texas who is an early morning seminary teacher. I've never been on a tour that I loved more. It was getting dark outside, so the lanterns were on inside the store. During that time of day it feels like you're back in the 1800's with Joseph Smith and can get a really great picture in your head of what it would have been like. We were able to talk about the saints that were here in Kirtland and why they followed Jesus Christ. We talk about the trials they were called to go through and how they showed their faith. The brother pointed out one of the innumerable reasons that the Savior was so wonderful. He is the firstborn of Heavenly Father and He had all that the Father had. Instead of keeping it all to Himself, He did all that He could to give it to us. He came to Earth, showed us the way, performed the Atonement, died and was resurrected so that we might all be able to follow Him. He is our best friend and older brother. He loves us and wants us to have joy. There is no other way to find it but through Him. I've seen a little sliver of that on my mission. Truly, nothing is better than looking to the Savior and trusting in His grace.
That all brings me to countdown number two....
19 days to Easter! Springtime. New life. General Conference. The resurrection of Jesus Christ. This time is wonderful. I am so grateful for me Savior and for the Love that He shows me. He loves each and every one of you and we can all know that. He is there for us through all the aspects of our lives -- through good, happy, sad, bad -- He's there.
March 27th -- look out for #BecauseHeLives
April 5th -- get on You-Tube and see the main ad!
March 17 -- Write Sister Burns
Right now -- Follow Historic Kirtland on Facebook
I love you all!
Sister Burns
Ahchoo! Bless you!! A member is OBSESSED with her cat. His name is Ahchoo.
And Mom/Dad, those are the boots I bought with your Christmas money. Thank you!!
We saw a car from Utah and had a little happy moment.
Harry Potters bathroom under the stairs. =) My new bathroom!
I love the members here!
Random chats. You've got to love them.
"Liz on top of the world"
We were being artsy at the lake.
Hi from Lake Erie!

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