Thursday, March 5, 2015

Faith. Weekly letter 3.3.15


I have no time, so you're stuck with a few pictures from my week. 

Lighthouse!!! We got to go see Fairport Harbor. It's way at the end of our area, so we don't get out there all that often, but we got to last week. No one lives there during the winter, so it felt like a ghost town, but I loved thinking of all the history that happened here. There were so many saints who came into Kirtland via the harbor. Lucy Smith was one of them and so many others. I'm so grateful for their sacrifices and the miracles that followed. I have no time, but the story of Lucy and her company coming over is pretty amazing. Look it up. I'm pretty sure I read it in "The Savior in Kirtland" by Karl Anderson. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the ice broke just long enough for the saints to leave New York and escape the persecution up there. God is always looking out for us. Even when times look impossible, if we keep our faith in the Savior, He will always lead us to safety. It might not be how we think it will come, but that help always comes.  

Sister Heckert!! God sure knew what He was doing when He put us together. I love her oh so much!! I know that the Savior is always watching out for me. He'll give me trial s to learn from and overcome, but He will always bless me for my faith in Him. I guess my week is all going back to having faith in Christ and we cane get out of the rough His own timing. Because His timing is perfect. 
God also has a sense of humor. Burns and Heckert.....get it? Burns n' Heckert? Think about it. 

I absolutely LOVE serving in Kirtland!! I'm still getting use to the area, but it's coming along and I am already feeling at home. There is nothing better than serving no matter what area I am in. 

Oooo, wonderful tour that we took yesterday... There was a couple who came in and they just wanted to go up to the School of the Prophets. As we walked there we found out they met six years ago in Kirtland in a Zions Camp. She has since joined the church, they got married in the temple and they now have a little one-year-old. We sat in the School of the Prophets and they shared with us their testimony of the Savior and of His prophet, Joseph Smith, that they received here. The Spirit was so strong in the room. After a little, Sister Heckert and I left them alone in the room to talk. (Perks to coming to sites in the winter when it's slow). Anyway, I loved seeing the way the Spirit that is constantly here can influence the lives of so many people. The Savior might not be here physically, but the Spirit is as strong as ever. There is nothing better than feeling the Savior's love each and every moment. 

Okay, time is far spent. I love you all!

Sister Burns

P.S. Sorry for typos. I have no time to reread anything. Hopefully it makes sense. Good luck!

P.P.S. I'm at my year left mark today (Unless something crazy happens). Ahh! Time. Slow. Down!

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