Tyler was baptized on Saturday!!! BEST DAY EVER!!!!!
He's the best person I know. He is so strong and hearing him share with others his testimony, I have grown. He is so dedicated and sincere. He keeps saying how his life is changed and how he is starting fresh. He truly is. I have only known him for 6 or so weeks, but seeing him grow and change is exactly why I'm out here. The Savior truly brings happiness and that's the happiness that Tyler is just starting to taste.
Transfers are tomorrow, so I don't have time to write, but I hope you enjoy the pictures! Also, I'm staying in Kirtland, but Sister Heckert is leaving me.....*shedding a tear or two*. I will miss her!!!
I love you!
Sister Burns
Also, I LOVE MY FAMILY!!! Skyping is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! Overload of awesome this past weekend.
Packages make missionaries days....
Dog food anyone? Matt?
Especially when your niece is involved!
District Meeting! Almost everyone is getting transferred. =(
Exchanges. We made a pit stop at the abandoned observatory. Creepy.
Sister Hardy and I!
Our last night at sites together. =( We just went and studied in the School of the Prophets for an hour. Heaven. Perks to being a sites sister.

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