Quick update:
Ron and Olivia have a baptismal date for September 26!
They are so amazing! The ward has been so wonderful at fellow shipping and welcoming them into the ward. Olivia absolutely loves it! She was even telling peopleon Sunday that she was getting baptized this month. Cutest thing ever! Ron is a man...and never shows emotion! But hey, the Spirit knows what he's thinking, so we're pressing forward and he seems to really be getting happier even through all of his trials. They have been to church twice and things have just been so perfect. The thing I love is that no matter what we're going through, the gospel of Jesus Christ helps lighten our loads and provides comfort and strength through the hard times. Ron is seeing that and it's neat as a missionary to be able to see that in his life, as well. The atonement of Jesus Christ is sure powerful and amazing!
Marco has a baptismal date, too!! September 26th! (Although, he decided to leave for the weekend, so he didn't come to church. It will probably be moved back a week or so.)
Marco is so neat! He's the miracle referral from last week. We were able to meet with him twice last week. His father was a member and his mother wasn't, so he was raised around the church, but never joined. It's just neat seeing his desire to have the happiness that he saw his dad's side of the family had. He is so great and I'm excited to see him progress.
Sammi....we weren't able to meet with this week. She went out of town, too. But she's still so wonderful! I'll update you on her next week.
We have a new investigator! Mary. She's a cute old lady who requested a Bible. She's wheelchair bound and such a sweetie! We're going back for our second lesson tomorrow.
I just want you all to now how much I love you! Thank you for being so wonderful and being such a great support. You make every day even better!
I love you!
Sister Eleena Burns
Just a good morning from Ohio!
Exchanges in Amish country!

With Sister Bishop! I'm not sure why this turned out so horrible...but it's the only picture I took. Oh well.

Community of Christ Pancake Breakfast!
Kendra....it's real good!
Chagrin Falls.

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