Hello Family!!

This week has been full of miracles!
We had a mission conference with Elder Bennett of the Seventy. It was such a great day! We talked about so many things, but one of them was not listening to the lies that Satan tell us. And goodness, he tries to tell so many lies to missionaries! Like, that person doesn't look interested, or they'll think I'm weird if I do that, etc. That's just ridiculous! This is the Lord's work! He knows who is ready to hear the gospel, so if the Spirit says do something, you do it! We might not be blessed in the ways we think we will, like those we talk to saying yes to meeting with us, but the blessings will come!
And did they come! We made a goal this week to follow every prompting we receive and even if we have to go completely out of our way/ comfort zone we'll to do it. Not that we weren't doing that before, but there is always room for improvement! When Heavenly Father sees a person is completely willing to follow Him, then those blessings He has promised us come.
That night after the conference, we went to the mall for dinner. While the other sisters were in a store, Sister Hancock and I started talking to this guy. He was so interested and we were able to give his information to the elders in his area.
The next day at sites we took a tour and through some pretty amazing experiences, we were able to help this lady with her daughter-in-law. We had no idea she needed help, but the Spirit did.
The next day we got the coolest miracle! Introducing MARCUS!
We got a Head Quarter Referral for a man who wanted a missionary visit. We called, no answer. He called back...we were pretty shocked. (That normally doesn't happen) We talked to him and it turns out that his family lives in Utah and are all members. He was raised in the church, but through some events, he was never baptized and his family fell away for a while. He said that spending the summer in Utah with his active family, he's finally getting his life back in order. He has read the Book of Mormon multiple times (in English and Italian) and he knows it's true. He's applying to BYU so he would like to get baptized.
*insert missionary fainting here*
We have our first lesson with him tonight and we are so excited!!!
It's amazing what happens when you show God that you are willing to follow Him. He doesn't always bless you in the ways that you think...they are ALWAYS better. It's just in His timing.
Sammi was sick this weekend, so we weren't able to visit with her, but she's still progressing and still as sweet as ever!
Ron and Olivia are really progressing. They came to church today and the ward just loved them! It's so amazing to see Christ's church in action. Truly people comforting those that stand in need of comfort. It was wonderful! Also, Olivia (8 and 1/2 and 3/4) is the cutest thing ever! We had Family Home Evening last night at the Ward Mission Leader's home and Olivia and I were put into a group to find a scripture we liked on Prayer. I read a few headings in the Index and she said she liked 2 Nephi 26:15 "...and the prayers of the faithful shall be heard, and all those who have dwindled in unbelief shall not be forgotten". She liked it because it talked about faith and how God doesn't forget us. She is so smart! She doesn't always seem like she's listening to the lessons, but she is. Also, she rested her head on my arm during FHE and she always wants to sit next to me. Ahh. why are kids the cutest! This missionaries day was made.
Steve was baptized this past weekend! I wasn't able to go because we took Ron and Olivia to a closer one, but I heard it went great! I love seeing people change. I heard the moment he came up out of the water he yelled, "Yippy!". He has changed so much since we first met him. He's just the cutest! The gospel is wonderful and the Atonement is real. We can all change and feel the same happiness.
Know that I love you all! And Heavenly Father loves you all too! If that's one thing I've learned this week, God knows how to help you. He knows what you need. There are so many blessings that come from following him and just being willing to do His will. Miracles happen every day.
I love you all!
Sister Eleena Burns
P.S. Happy Birthday to all my favorite people that I never give a shout out to this month! Mel, Sister Erickson, Benson, Mom, Rochelle, Douglas, Kendra....I feel like I'm missing someone..... Sorry if I missed you! I love you all!
Hopefully I'll get more pictures soon, but here's Steve with the Elders!
Only in Cleveland
I've found some of my family!
Just funny...

Hi Mom!


OLIVIA! She doesn't like pictures very much.

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